Sometimes, the execution of a work item takes long than expected, or worse, some work items get stuck in an infinite loop. This situation is unfortunate, since it implies that work items that could successfully are not even started. Again, a simple and yet versatile solution is offered by the Worker framework. If we want to limit the execution of each work item to at most 20 minutes, this can be accomplished by modifying the script of the running example.

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
module load timedrun
timedrun -t 00:20:00 cfd_test -t $temperature  -p $pressure  -v $volume

Note that it is trivial to set individual time constraints for work items by introducing a parameter, and including the values of the latter in the CSV file, along with those for the temperature, pressure and volume.

Also note that 'timedrun' is in fact offered in a module of its own, so it can be used outside the Worker framework as well.